Workshop with Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry
21 Sept 2023 | 4-6 pm
National Center For Culture & Arts (NCCA)
Anas Abunahleh / Studio 8 (Jordan), Klaus Erika Dietl & Stephanie Müller (Germany)
Private Rooftop
Jordanian Co-production
Chaos Basement
Amplified sewing – The multimedia performance merges costume design, amplified sewing, musical soundscapes and visuals by the German artists Klaus Erika Dietl and Stephanie Müller with intriguing dance moves and object manipulation performed by Anas Abunahleh of Studio 8.
Fri 22 Sept 2023 | 7 pm – 8 pm
Private Rooftop *Invitation only
Sat 23 Sept 2023 | 10 pm – 11 pm
Chaos Basement
Concept: Anas Abunahleh, Stephanie Müller, Klaus Erika Dietl
Choreography: Anas Abunahleh
Performer: Anas Abunahleh, Stephanie Müller, Klaus Erika Dietl
Sound design: Stephanie Müller, Klaus Erika Dietl
Costume design: Stephanie Müller,
Visual arts: Klaus Erika Dietl, Anas Abunahleh
Light: Simón Aurel Schwarz
Photography & videography: Arthur Tainturier
This production was made possible with the support of:
Stories of the makers
This performance is a co-production by Studio 8 in collaboration with Klaus Erika Dietl and Stephanie Müller originally initiated by Goethe-Institut Jordan as part of Online Co-Production Challenge in 2020.
After 3-year of digital and physical exchanges, creating side by side through email, whatsapp, facebook group, blogging together, this co-production has been through multiple experimentation phases, and presented its in-progress results online and off-line in 2020, 2022 and 2023.
Anas Abunahleh is a self-taught multi-disciplinary performer, choreographer. He started break-dancing when he was 14 years old with his brother Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh. Like many other selves- taught street artists, they started to practice dance on the street of Amman without any training, guidance and support.
After more than 10 years of practice and advocating for dance development in the country, Anas and Abd co-founded a platform called Studio 8 for aspiring young people to showcase their potential, and the need for opportunities which provide inclusive creative projects that are crucial for allowing the dance to thrive and survive in Jordan. Since 2017, Anas has choreographed and co-directed many dance productions with art installations..
Stephanie Müller is a visual artist and sociological researcher with a fierce love for rough sounds and improvisation. She has a master’s degree in communication science, sociology and psychology (LMU Munich) and postgraduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. Stephanie creates textile environments and nonbinary wearables. Besides her visual art projects she plays the drums, a musical sewing machine, modified typewriters, constructs her own sound sculptures and instruments and produces music and soundscapes for podcasts and radioplays.
In 2014 she started her own label RAGREC and initiated ALLIGATOR GOZAIMASU, a band of many voices and noises together with Klaus Erika Dietl and artists and musicians from Sappporo (Japan).
Klaus Erika Dietl is a visual artist with a background in literature and filmmaking. He studied painting and art theory at the Academy of Arts (AdBK) in Munich. Together with fellow artist Stephanie Müller he initiated MEDIENDIENST LEISTUNGSHÖLLE in 2009.
Since then it has evolved from a vibrant underground studio to a nucleus for international art research and exchange programs.
Dietl’s main cause of friction is the memory of the unsaid. In his paintings, sound installations and film projects he digs into the lack of understanding. What makes us take off the blinkers and question our insecurities and reservation.
More Events
21 Sept 2023 | 4-6 pm
National Center For Culture & Arts (NCCA)