Home > 2019 > Workshop with Efecto R

Workshop with Efecto R

Efecto R

Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts Park



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Game/Workshop with Efecto R

With the trapezist Clara Cortés and the dancer Martina Gunkel we explore the connection between two bodies.We connect with another person through movement and establish a dialog through the physical contact. After establishing trust between each other, we are playing with giving and receiving weight and working with partnering exercises.
Clara and Martina (cia. Efecto R) studied at the Fontys Circus and Dance Academy in the Netherlands.
In their collaboration they are combing their backgrounds of contemporary circus and dance.
Both are still working independently in the circus and dance world.
Duration: 120 minutes
Given by: Clara Cortés and Martina Gunkel




Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts Park

Central to the ethos of our Festival is providing opportunities for members of the wider community to participate in dance. We believe using our bodies, voices or in-animating objects to express is an essential part of the human experience.

Efecto R

We are Clara Cortés Soler and Martina Gunkel; two artists which are coming from different backgrounds; circus and dance. Our collaboration started out of an interest in the other one’s discipline and the strong believe in interdisciplinary work. We enlarge ourselves and each other. We give space for something new to emerge by opening up to the unknown.
